Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Buffalo Appointments

We are currently out of town right now, we are in Buffalo NY! My husband is getting his pre-transplant appointments done today, tomorrow and then again next Monday we will have to drive out here (3 hour drive) so he and I can do our orientation appointment. This is big news for us, in early March he will get admitted for his Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant, which means that his donor passed all their tests and is in the process of collecting the stem cells for the transplant process. Monday we will learn all about what happens when he gets admitted and what I will need to know to take care of him and be his 24 hour care-giver, which is required for him to be discharged from the hospital. It all gets a little complicated from there because we have the two small children. Luckily though my mother will be able to come over for a few months (starting when he gets discharged) and watch the kids, because my husband is required to stay in the Buffalo area--with his caregiver for approximately 2 months after he gets discharged from the hospital after the transplant. It would be so much easier if we lived closer then he could just stay at the house and the boys would be there, but because we live so far away that is just not possible. Of course I can't have the boys with me either because if my husband needs to get admitted I would still need someone to watch them, only now in Buffalo instead of at home.

Right now, the boys and I are at the hotel. I finally managed to get my youngest Z (1), to take a nap and my other son Shane and I are doing quiet activities. We would go to the zoo or something but it is raining and snowing off and on so it is not really the right weather for doing anything while my husband is at his appointments. Tomorrow will be a little more interesting since we have to check out of the hotel by 11, but my husband still has appointments most of the day.....not sure what we are going to be doing while he is gone. We shall see!


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